If you’ve ever been in pain, chances are you’ve tried either physiotherapy, Chiropractic treatments, massage therapy, or a combination of all at one point.
Well, what if there’s a holistic approach that combines all the above in an effective, gentle and non-invasive way? That is Osteopathy. Osteopathy looks at the body as a whole, seeks to correct imbalances, re-align the spine and mobilize the joints, all by using gentle manual techniques such as Muscle Energy, Soft Tissue Therapy, Somatic Release, Facilitated Positional Release, Joint Mobilization, Cranial Osteopathy, Visceral Manipulation, Fascial Release and more.
If you are in pain or feel the need to re-align and balance your body, contact us now to book your initial assessment and treatment session.
Hadi Sunalla, DO, DN, NKT, DOMP, RMO
Osteopathic Treatment
Initial Assessment and Treatment (One-hour) - $132.74
One-hour Treatment - $132.74
30-min Treatment - $88.50
Plus HST - Receipts will be provided for insurance