What is Manual Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual therapy practice that is among the most successful treatment methods for chronic and acute pain. Due to its distinctive approach towards longevity and health, it is also widely offered for athletic conditioning.

It was first coined as “bloodless surgery” in the late 1800s because it was able to achieve breakthrough results, while being far less invasive than other options at the time.

Manual Osteopathic treatment aims to reduce pain and restore optimal function in the body, bringing alignment in the joints, stretching and activating the muscles, and even treating the cranial and visceral systems.

This goal is achieved by a highly refined sense of touch that is developed over many years of training. This refined palpation skill allows the practitioner to feel not only surface tensions, like muscle tensions and inflammation, but also deeper tensions and distortions.

The concept of the inter-relatedness of the body’s systems and tissues also plays an important role in how the Manual Osteopath reasons, and lends a holistic perspective to the therapy.

What is Naprapathy?

Naprapathy started from Dr. Oakley Smith, a student of Dr. Still (the founder of Osteopathy), so it is a perfect complement. Naprapaths are connective tissue specialists, and enhance treatment by balancing the ligamentous and soft tissue systems, all with gentle movements.

It is safe for newborns and 100 year-olds alike. It is also great for long-term corrective results that last, as thick ligaments hold every joint in place. Success in treating these systems can help the body with a “new normal” in terms of improved alignment.

Naprapathy is covered by some insurance plans under Naturotherapy.

Click here to read my paper about the Benefits of Naprapathy for the Neck and Spine

What is NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT)?

NeuroKinetic Therapy was developed in 1985 by David Weinstock, and is the greatest guide for treatment I have experienced. As everybody has different needs and dysfunctions, personalized procedures allow NKT to offer the fastest method to make weak muscles strong. It does this by improving the neurological connections between the brain and the muscles.

NKT specializes in finding the causes of the dysfunction, rather than treating only the symptoms. It is cheerfully called “The Missing Link” to treatment, as all tight muscles are not equal, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. In NKT, the motto is “Test, don’t guess!”

The old way of looking at tight muscles is to stretch them all, however, it can be that the muscle is tight due to weakness, and therefore needs to be strengthened. The NKT method is utilized to indicate which muscles, ligaments, fascia, or scars to release, and which ones to strengthen.

Is Manual Osteopathy covered by my insurance plan?

Manual Osteopathic treatment is covered by most insurance plans. Please check with yours to see what your coverage is, as individual plans vary. It is important to note that Osteopathy is not a service that can be directly billed to insurance companies. You will be given a receipt with my billing numbers on it and you will need to submit this receipt to receive the reimbursement for the cost.

Please note that at this time our services are not covered by Canada Life.

CRMO (College of Registered Manual Osteopaths) #RMO-01157
ACMA (Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine) #19-239
Medavie Blue Cross #192390A

What should I wear to a Manual Osteopathic session?

It is ideal to wear shorts, sweatpants or loose/stretchy pants and dress however you feel comfortable. You can choose to wear a sports bra (for women) and no shirt (for men), but it is not necessary. There is a thermal heating option on the table to ensure your comfort.