About Me

Hadi Sunalla, DOMP

Hadi Sunalla, DO, DN, NKT, DOMP, RMO
Registered Manual Osteopath, Naprapath, NeuroKinetic Therapist

My name is Hadi, and I am a Registered Manual Osteopath (DO, DOMP, RMO), Naprapath (DN), and NeuroKinetic Therapist (NKT). My philosophy is to make every day the best day. I am enthusiastic about working out, and I love helping others more than anything. These are among the many reasons why I chose Osteopathy as a profession. I believe in tackling problems in a healthier way than simply taking medications as the pharmaceutical industry would have us buy into. Since Osteopathic treatment is not common knowledge, I care deeply about letting the community know about its unique answers to common scenarios. To me, it is the gold mine of the health industry.

I was introduced to Osteopathy a few years ago, shortly after an overuse injury I had at the gym. I have always been one to try to maximize my results by pushing myself to the limit. I developed tendinitis in both of my rotator cuffs, and not being able to identify if it was a muscle or joint pain, it quickly became worse. When I discovered Osteopathy, I began soaking up its theory. Sure enough, it had the answers I sought. It didn't take long before I realized it was not enough to know Osteopathy as just an idea; I wanted to go deeper and pursue it as a career.


I always knew my calling was to help people. Doing good things for others always gives me a rush of positive emotions. I could be having the worst day, but if I get to benefit someone, then from that moment onward, it changes. I am privileged to have this experience in my profession. In some sense, Osteopathy chose me rather than me choosing it, so it's a no-brainer that it was there for me to pick up. It just made sense to me because it complements who I am, my personality, and my calling.

I feel that Osteopathy, Naprapathy, and NeuroKinetic Therapy, along with my background in personal training and business management and entrepreneurship (BME), combined with my sense of satisfaction when helping others, will allow me to be successful and best serve you.